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Showing posts with the label English honorifics

Standard list of values for a contact's name prefix | English Honorifics

HTML drop down or select box for prefix or English honorifics Many forms need to add or show the English honorifics. The uses of English honorifics select box in the billing software, hotel/restaurant software, GST filling the form and financial and banking software or web applications. Standard list of values for a contact's name prefix drop down box The English honorifics is used for small software/web application and also large software/web application in many sectors. Copy following HMTL code in your webpage. <select name="name_prefix" id="name_prefix">     <option value="Ms">Ms</option>     <option value="Miss">Miss</option>     <option value="Mrs">Mrs</option>     <option value="Mr">Mr</option>     <option value="Master">Master</option>     <option value="Fr">Father (Fr)</option>   ...